June 3, 2018
Before I critique my initial storyboard set, I think a lot about the rubrics. I quickly drew a picture of the components in my mind.
I have never tried to make rubrics for my projects before, so I guess this must be a big challenge for me! ┭┮﹏┭┮
From our professor's tutorials, she conveyed that a rubric is an assessment or evaluation tool that indicates areas for improvement and strengths. That's really new to me!!! I never thought of the idea that rubrics can be used by ourselves! I thought a rubric was just used as a measurement.
I still remember what Rob Pusch's Rubrics look like. These are guides listing specific criteria for grading our academic papers or projects. He used the rubrics for the two courses he teaches.
Like what I did before, I read the rubrics before I started my storyboard set. I hope I can start with expected outcomes in my mind in case I need to do it again. After I finished my initial storyboard set, I did my self-critique. Compared with each item carefully, I found my storyboard set is on the right track. Maybe some parts needs to be improved, like "overall use of colors". I think I didn't add depth to message beyond text. I will wait and receive the feedback from my professor and colleagues.