June 9, 2018
This is a reading that helps me to know What is contextual teaching and learning?
CTL “helps us relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivate students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires” (p. 1). “According to contextual learning theory, learning occurs only when students (learners) process new information or knowledge in such a way that it makes sense to them in their own frames of reference (their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and response)” (p. 1).
This is the theory that encourages educators to choose and/or design learning environments that incorporate as many different forms of experience as possible—social, cultural, physical, and psychological—in working toward the desired learning outcomes.
Contextual teaching and learning strategies and characteristics include:
Problem-based. This is widely used in our teaching. We always create or design a simulated or real questions to ask students to use critical thinking skills or a systemic approach to address the problem.
Using multiple contexts. CTL experiences are enriched
when students learn skills in multiple contexts (i.e. school, community, workplace, family). ( P. 2)
Drawing upon student diversity. Team collaboration and group learning activities respect students’ diverse histories, broaden perspectives, and build inter-personal skills. ( P. 2)
Supporting self-regulated learning. CTL experiences should
allow for trial and error; provide time and structure for reflection; and provide adequate
support to assist students to move from dependent to independent learning. ( P. 2)
Using interdependent learning groups. I am proud in our school we have very brilliant group constructions. Students benefit from learning in a group.
Employing authentic assessment. Assessment of learning should align with the methods and purposes of instruction. Authentic assessments show (among other things) that learning has occurred; are blended into the teaching/learning process; and provide students with opportunities and direction for improvement. Authentic
assessment is used to monitor student progress and inform teaching practices.
Other pedagogies:
Location (contextual/situated) based learning
Problem-based learning
On-the-job-training / on-the-job-learning / job-embedded-learning. I am not familiar with this concept. But when I look into the illustration: Job-embedded-learning, also known as on-the-job-training and -learning , is learning that occurs while workers are engaged in their daily work. While simultaneously performing their job duties, participants learn by doing, reflecting on the their experiences, and then generating and sharing new insights and learning with one another. I know some of the activities in our school are types of on-the-job learning, like reflective logs, peer coaching and study groups.
The intriguing one to me is action research. Workers gather data and information about
their performance and their work environment and then systematically analyze their findings individually or with other colleagues. This practice reveals certain trends and tendencies and allows participants to reflect on what changes need to be made. They then implement these changes and continue to gather research to see if the new approach is effective. We never did this, only the administrators do that. I am wondering if we teachers could do that, would it be more helpful for the students' learning ?